Little League uses the player's age as of August 31 of the spring baseball season to determine a player's "baseball age". Use the Little League Baseball Age Calculator to determine a player's baseball league age. [Note - The linked calculator will show baseball ages for the 2024 Spring Season.]
The Divisions Comparison Table is displayed below and is available for downloaded as a PDF document snll divisions comparison - sheet1.pdf. For clarification and additional detail to the divisions summaries about this table, please submit by email to [email protected]

Please note the target age ranges listed. We encourage each player participate in each division for 2 years. We suggest that players starting at 4 years old can play T-Ball at ages 4 and 5, Pioneer at 6 and 7, Farm at 7 and 8. If a player has mastered the offensive and defensive positiions of play, at 8 years-old, they can choose to try out for the Minor Division. Minor and Majors players are drafted onto teams using a player selection process conducted by the team managers. Players who have attended a player evaluation and not making the cut for Minor or Majors are assigned to a Farm team.
Some 5 year-old T-Ball players are ready for the Pioneer division after having participated in one year of T-Ball. For these 5 year-olds, they are eligible to move up to the Pioneer division. Other exceptions could also be made, please contact [email protected] for these. 
T-BALL (4-6)
All players play in the field at all times. In each inning, all players have one at-bat. There are no balls, strikes, or outs, and no score is kept. Batters may take as many swings as needed to cleanly hit the ball off the tee. Regardless of the play in the field, all batters are awarded first base (at least). Runners are never out on the bases; therefore all players eventually score. Coaches can stand in the field during play to instruct the players. The game is called after one hour which typically consists of two or three innings.
Pioneer (5-7)
The team in the field (defensive team) consists of 10 players (the additional player is a fourth outfielder). By rotation, all players will participate on defense. The batting team (offensive team) uses a “continuous batting order” whereby all players are in the batting lineup and the batting order continues from inning to inning -- without regard to having been a fielder the previous inning. The batting team retires their half of the inning at three outs or 5 runs. Otherwise, most normal baseball rules apply. The batter receives pitches from a coach. The batter strikes out after 5 strikes. There are no walks. There are no umpires -- base coaches make any necessary calls. The teams may keep score, but no standings are kept.
FARM (7-9)
The team in the field (defensive team) consists of 9 players. By rotation, all players will participate on defense. The batting team uses a “continuous batting order” whereby all players are in the battine lineup and the batting order continues from inning to inning -- without regard to having been a fielder the previous inning. The batting team retires their half of the inning at three outs or 5 runs. Otherwise, most normal baseball rules apply. Pitches are delivered by players. When a batter receives 3 balls during their at-bat, a coach will deliver the remaining pitches to the batter. There are no walks. A batter is retired after 3 strikes. The player pitcher will resume pitching with the next batter. There are no umpires -- base coaches make any necessary calls. The teams may keep score, but no standings are kept. Farm plays a regular season of games and there is no division championship.
MINORS (8-11)
Minor division is the transition from Farm Ball to real baseball where pitching becomes part of the game for the players. The focus in this division is on teaching the players the fundamentals of baseball in a true Little League Baseball environment. Coaches will work with the players on basic pitching fundamentals in order for them to achieve a level of success when they are on the pitching mound. Likewise in the offensive position, batters will train with batting machiines to develop proficiency in making contact on faster balls.
The team in the field (defensive team) consists of 9 players. All players will participate on defense for some portion of the game. The batting team uses a “continuous batting order” whereby all players are in the battine lineup and the batting order continues from inning to inning -- without regard to having been a fielder the previous inning. The batting team retires their half of the inning at three outs or 5 runs. Otherwise, most normal baseball rules apply. Pitching is done by players. A batter strikes out after 3 strikes or walks on 4 balls. Games are called by umpires. Scores and standings are kept.
All Minors players must attend a tryout. Minors players are drafted onto teams. Players not selected for Minors are placed in Farm. 8 year-olds wanting to "play up" to Minors must attend a tryout in order to be in the Minors Draft.
Playoff games are scheduled at the end of the regular season. All teams participate. Teams are seeded by their standing in the last MV-vs-MV games of the season after Spring Break. Interlocked (other league) games do not affect standings. The Minors Champion advances to the district's post-season Minor Division Tournament of Champions.
Questions about Minors can be directed to [email protected].
MAJORS (10-12)
Minor Division players progress to the Majors. Exceptional 10 year-olds may "play up" to this division. The number of returning players determines how many players can be selected to advance to Majors and the number of Majors teams that can be formed. This is the premiere division of Little League Baseball. The game is essentially the same as is played in Minor Division but is played with strict adherence to the Little League Rulebook.
Players must attend a tryout and be evaluated to participate in this division. Majors players are drafted onto teams. Players not selected for Majors are placed in the draft for Minors.
The level of play is competitive and all games count in the standings. The team in the field (defensive team) consists of 9 players. All players will participate on defense for some portion of the game. The batting team uses a “continuous batting order” whereby all players are in the battine lineup and the batting order continues from inning to inning -- without regard to having been a fielder the previous inning. The batting team retires their half of the inning at three outs or 5 runs. Otherwise, most normal baseball rules apply. Pitching is done by players. A batter strikes out after 3 strikes or walks on 4 balls. Games are called by umpires. Scores and standings are kept.
Managers choose the starting lineup and substitute players during the game per Little League rules. Minimum playing time in the first half of the season is one at-bat and 9 defensive outs. Halfway through the season minimum playing time is one at-bat and 6 defensive outs.
At this level, more complex strategies and plays are introduced. Players will pitch faster and with more control at varying speeds. Catchers allow fewer passed balls and have the ability to throw out runners at any base. Fewer errors are made and game scores are generally lower. Players are expected to make plays on ground balls and fly balls. Players learn advanced baseball strategy and advanced skills in batting, throwing, fielding, and base-running.
SNLL teams will play against another league's teams. Each team will have on their schedule, several "interlock" games. A few games will be away games (such as in Mountain View or Santa Clara).
All teams participate in the end-of-season playoffs. Seeding is based on the end-of-season standings. The Majors Champion advances to the district's post-season Major Division Tournament of Champions.
Majors Time Commitment: approximately 6-8 hours per week.
Per Week | Duration | When |
2 Games | 1 hour and 45 minutes plus warm-up time | Saturdays and one weekday evening (typically Monday and Wednesday) |
2 Practices | 1 hour and 30 minutes | Sunday and a weeknight (scheduled by team manager) |
1 Batting Cage Session | 1 hour | Weeknight or weekend. Each team's batting cage time is set for the season. |